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Swim with Mantas

As tourism gains popularity, it's imperative that we practice responsible behavior when interacting with manta rays in the marine environment. Choosing operators which practice sustainable and respectful conduct is key to ensuring the longevity of this species and their environment. But how can you find them? We're here to help!

Find an operator for manta ray tours

Manta Trust has put together a list of operators around the world that have been deemed sustainable manta ray ecotour operators. If you're traveling for manta rays, we highly recommend using one of these operators!

How to swim with manta rays

Manta rays can be shy, but luckily the Manta Trust has released a code of conduct to help maximize your encounter. Manta rays are also curious, so if you relax, they will relax, and may come really close!


We do not take credit for this graphic, it was made and produced by the Manta Trust. We do support the message and the backing science.

The code of conduct for swimming with manta rays is based on real science. If you're curious about any of these publications, please click the button below!

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